Donate to HotHouse Theatre's projects.

Like all charities Hothouse Theatre needs the support of the local community to thrive.

Support can come in many ways. We are always looking for volunteers to help with our projects. It is also a great help when people ‘pass it on’ and share our updates on Oh My Nottz or face book or twitter.

But we can't get away from the fact that everything cost money.

We offer several opportunities for people to support us financially. Guy regularly does fund raising runs which will be posted on Oh My Nottz

We are also looking for people to donate their old ink cartridges for recycling to help raise us some dosh.

And then there is the straight donation.

Every little helps!

Give to Hothouse
Oh My Nottz is a Hothouse Theatre production.

Please support us so we can keep it going.
Donate here

 Recycle your ink cartridges and help Hothouse keep Oh My Nottz going!

All you have to do is:

register with Recycling 4 Charity

order the envelops

stick them in the post

Then the money will come flooding into Hothouse!

Click here to find out more